Task 1

Image result for bovril
This blog is for my A-Level Media Studies introduction for advertisement. I have decided on creating a short ad for Bovril, a beef paste used for relaxing hot drinks and can also be used in gravy. My idea for such advert is based on the idea of relaxation, showing my target audience that if you buy this product it will make you more relaxed in the given way shown in this ad plus more. Bovril is the trademarked name of a thick and salty meat extract paste similar to a yeast extract, developed in the 1870s by John Lawson Johnston. It is sold in a distinctive, bulbous jar. Bovril is owned and distributed by Unilever UK.

The advert starts off with someone (girl) making a hot drink using the product and then walks into a cozy area, preferably the living room of a home, and snuggles under a blanket while drinking the Bovril based hot drink. The advert will be simple but effective due to it being relatable to an everyday life and the viewer of this advert. The majority of shots in my ad will consist of medium shots to show the product in detail as well as showing the surrounding effect in the frame. The appeals demonstrated will consist of mostly the bandwagon appeal as it gives the idea that if someone else is doing/using a product then you should to. This is done with either everyday people to give it a more relatable feel or it is done with celebrities to give the idea to the viewer that it will make you become more like that celebrity. This will also apply to the testimonial appeal as the consumer is receiving the effects from someone of their own area.

The logo will be the label of the bottle so it is memorable to the viewer. The writing is big and bold due to its contrast of a red background and white writing, making it noticeable to the eyes. The slogan of the product will be 'Taste the Bovril'. Short, simple and demanding. This slogan is inspired by the successful sweet brand of Skittles where the slogan is 'Taste the rainbow'. I have decided to base my slogan off of this because like Skittles my idea is to make this product successful.

In the advert I have created I have included a small range of camera angles and movements. For example close up, medium shot and pan. I used camera angles and movements such as these as
it gives the close up of the product in use to show how legitimate it is for general use. This small range keeps my very short advert to it's simplicity and overall appealing appearance. I did not want to use a wide range of camera angles as they would distract the viewer from the product and would make them lose interest while focusing on such range of camera angles and movements. The result of the simplistic ad will allow my audience to relate to the advert's character and would lead them to buy the product. In addition, the audio is the introduction to 1-800-273-8255 by Logic. I have chosen this audio for my advert as it has a relaxing atmosphere for my audience to listen to while watching and will emphasise the idea of how this advert is to show relaxation due to the product.



  1. There are some nice shots in the advert, including the close ups of the product, and the message is clear. It is a shame that you did not attempt to create your own slogan. The evaluation is well written and thorough. Vanessa


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