Task 2

The advert I have chosen is DKNY’s ‘Be delicious’ television advert for their perfume. The advert starts with an establishing shot of New York City to set the scene/set of where the advert is taking place. The advert then transitions to a woman dressed in white connoting her beauty and innocence as we establish the colour white with the idea of purity, youth, and innocence. During the advert, the woman is shown to be moving to a windowsill seat where she looks out upon a man in front of a window. Her interest is peaked when he takes his shirt off.  This product is quite obviously aimed at women, probably of the age 20-35. A woman of any ethnicity could buy this product, however, the actual advert for “Be Delicious” seems to be mostly aimed at white or black people as the models used for the moving and print advert are black or white. Someone who would buy “Be Delicious” would most likely have a good job probably at an office etc. with quite a good income but they won’t be very rich. They would probably be ranked working class. The shops that the buyer of “Be Delicious” would be Selfridge's, New Look etc. They might also own one or two items of designer clothing.  They would read magazines such as “Vogue” and might read a gossip magazine occasionally. They would probably be a DINKY – Dual Income No Kids Yet. The advert has a "magic ingredients" persuasion technique because the perfume in this advert shows that the person who wears "Be Delicious" could attract male attention effortlessly. According to Goffman's Theory, women are usually portrayed with a blank or inviting expression. In this advert, the model has a blank expression which means she isn't intelligent or clever. This means that they appeal to their audiences being manageable in income to purchase their product. In addition, this appeals to the Maslow hierarchy of needs as it shows signs of belongingness and love needs and esteem needs. This demonstrates the idea that their target audience is supposed to feel jealous of the woman on the screen so they can also achieve her beauty and confidence to get a man. The advert then moves onto the main character taking a bite of an apple where the perfume/product is also located. This denotes that the perfume bottle is in a shape of an apple and connotes that the perfume will smell fresh and juicy due to being a fruit-based smell. The idea of using the apple can also be connected to the idea of religion as in the Bible it tells the story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit, the apple. The idea behind this is that the product is too good to resist and therefore you, the target audience, should buy it. In further detail, the reason for using the religion is that it relates to most of their audience by appealing to their religion. Although this may not appeal to all the main prop in the advert is the apple. As it is the main inspiration for the perfume as it is the shape of the bottle. A connotation for the usage of the apple could also be because the main setting of the advert in New York and a common name for New York is the "Big Apple", thus connecting the main theme of the apple. The connotation of the apple can suggest the idea of freshness, sweetness and overall appealing smell for the consumer.  In addition, the colour green used on the perfume has been used because of its connotation of nature and envy. The audio used in the advert is a song of which uses the lyrics ‘follow me’ and ‘this is just a girl who wants, who’s not afraid to help herself’. These can connote the idea that the advert is trying to promote the idea of confidence for the consumer as an ideal award for them, thus using the reward appeal as well as youth and sex appeal. This is due to the mainstream attractive characters. This advert also contains the idea of identifying their target audience of being aspirers and succeeders. The combination of the two categories shows how they can identify their target audience as seeking status and control. This is mainly shown by the use of confidence that the woman demonstrates in the advert. The name of the product is "Be Delicious". The name is quite sexual as they want the person who wears the perfume to seem "delicious" or quite attractive. The font used is a form of Times New Roman and has been written in big clear capital letters. This may have been to show that it is simple yet effective.


  1. Another well written analysis, drawing on your knowledge and understanding of Media theories. I would have liked to see the advert embedded here,. so I can watch it! Also you could have focussed more clearly on specific shots, editing and sound. Vanessa


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