Ask readers to write more - good idea as you are gaining free labour through what the audience enjoy doing for a living, thus gaining more profit if the paper sells well.

Decrease the price of the paper or make it free - bad idea as decreasing the price will result in less to no profit as you would have to pay for the work of journalists etc and the production of the newspaper itself.

Hire more journalists to cover a bigger range of events.
Pros- More content from different perspectives and types of writing to discover and read about when published

Cons- More money would have to be given out to pay the journalists and the more wanted the more money is lost to pay for content

Put more ‘sponsored content’ online and in your paper.
Pros-You get paid to advertise a product which may likely apply to the reader and apply to their interests while reading the online paper

Cons- People try to get away from ads as over time it can get annoying and the page may become corrupted and visually unappealing if it does not complement the page.

Sack journalists
Pros- Less money would be spent on journalists thus having more profit

Cons-Less content would be created as there would not be enough journalists to work on a story

Make journalists tweet more.
Pros- It spreads easier as more people go on social media more than other forms of media

Cons- Soon enough it will be forgotten as once it's retweeted it's just another thing you see on your twitter// not many young people use twitter regularly

Make journalists write about celebrities more.
Pros-More people are interested in celebrities than other things as they are usually the front page of the news/ cheap to write about

Cons- Not everyone care about common enjoyed celebrities/ stories on celebrities are usually said by the person themselves and a full article is not needed

Increase cost of paper
Pros-More profit

Cons- People will start to retreat from newspaper and find our news online or on TV.

Put up ‘paywall’ (Pay to read online)
Pros-More profit

Cons-Not many are willing to pay to recieve news

Ask readers to write more stories (for free)
Pros- you are gaining free labour through what the audience enjoy doing for a living, thus gaining more profit if the paper sells well.

Cons-Not many people will or will be at a low standard/ not as trustworthy

Shut down your paper (go online only)
Pros- People are more online and would be more willing to go online than buy a newspaper

Cons-Not everyone would take out of their own time to go onto a news website to read articles

Decrease price of newspaper (or make it free)
Pros- Attract more people as people like the idea of free stuff

Cons-Decreasing the price will result in less to no profit as you would have to pay for the work of journalists etc and the production of the newspaper itself.
