Shareable content - Content of which has been shared and can be seen by other people

User generated content (UGC) - Content created by the people who they are aimed at, their target audience. E.g: Wikipedia, blogs, social media // Content made my non-professionals // Word of mouse (sharing on facebook etc of adverts) // Speaks to your audience because it's being shared by the audience itself // Cost effective because people are unintentionally advertising for you for free // Trustworthy

Pro-sumer - We are no longer 'simple consumers' // we produce our own content // Since the 1980s the term ‘prosumer’ has been used to describe the blurring of the lines between producers and consumers. But the dawn of Web 2.0 (early 2000s) makes this more of a reality for everyone.

Participatory culture - We take part with the media rather than just passively consume it.

Collective intelligence - Nobody knows everything. We all know something. Therefore together we can know everything (or nearly everything...) 

According to IPSOS, user-generated content is 35% more memorable than other media, and 50% more trusted.  Why is user- generated advertising so powerful?  Consider the position of audience as “pro-sumer” and “collective intelligence.”

The idea of competition brings in more of an audience and publicity because it's all about becoming the best and succeeding to most people.In addition, the use of playing to your audience's creativity is effective as it has been demonstrated from the Starbucks community that they already enjoy drawing on the cups and therefore Starbucks itself is using that existing enjoyment to their advantage. Starbucks have created the hashtag to indirectly tell the consumer to spread the message of this grand and creative competition while directly telling them to use it to enter the competition in the first place. They have decided to create the prize of someone's design being on a $1 reusable plastic cup to ensure to their viewers, especially environmentally conscious people, that they cannot go to waste and be immediately be thrown away. The Starbucks iconic white cup is remembered in itself with the plain white cup and the green circle logo making it more of a competition to those who want their art to be shown as their work can then become remembered thus using the appeal of reward. The amount of publicity has grown due to the contrast from two opposing sides of their audience, you either love it or hate it, thus ever growing it even more even if you do not like Starbucks itself. On the other hand, it can become quite annoying to those who dislike the company's produce as it reminds them of their dislike and would not see their other liked brands/products as much. The idea of prosumer is to project the idea that we are no longer 'simple consumers' and that we produce our own content thus combining both producers and consumers to identify ourselves with. This is demonstrated in this competition's advertisement as we are creating our own content (The drawing on the cup) and then sharing it on our social media and to our friends who will then continue the cycle of this becoming a virus as it carries to spread to more people. In addition, collective intelligence is used as learning and 'collecting' new information will make us believe that we will become more 'intelligent' after participating with the media instead of passively consuming it. This can be shown through the amount of entries Starbucks had, making it a successful idea which may lead to them carrying on the idea in the future if sales become to lower. This then becoming their secret weapon of a marketing plan to help with sales for more profit if it starts to fail. We trust ourselves and 'our people' more than professionals who are intentionally trying to push information and advertisement in our faces so we can consume their products, whereas if it was to be done by someone who we can relate to we become more vulnerable and susceptible to consuming their advertisement because of that temporary trust and bandwagon appeal as we want to become apart of a chain for that want to become apart of society without sticking out too much, becoming an outcast.
