We need to talk about Kevin

What were the expectations you had for the film?

Before watching the film I believed it was going to be about a boy named Kevin who has gotten into trouble and his close friends/family are trying to help him out of his bad habit.

What characters were the most intriguing?

The characters that were most intriguing to me were Kevin and his mother. This is because I find the relationship between the two to be on and off, somewhat non-existing at most points as he resents his mum for most of the film until at the very end.

What was interesting about the way the narrative was structured?

It was not in chronological order and switched between the present and past quite frequently. This made this somewhat confusing because I couldn't differentiate between the past and present at times as the beginning 3/4 of the film did not have a clear set story and kept the audience in the dark until the ending 1/4 where it was explained what Kevin did and where he is now.

How did the film create a dark atmosphere?

The film created a dark atmosphere by the lighting in certain moments that showed dispair and hopelessness as it became darker around the character when this was shown. In addition the cuts excluding Kevin made the audience curious as to what he was doing as after a few incidents he had caused, such as painting the mum's walls red and putting the guinea pig down the drain, it became a worry when not in frame.

Was there a lot of dialogue? What other techniques were used to tell the narrative?

During the beginning of the movie there was limited dialogue and mostly music with both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. Examples: Morning silence, trains, birds, country music to energise the scene and wake up the audience from the previous sounds, silence to emphasise dramatic moments, emphasis on sounds such as Kevin biting his nails to create repulsion, air conditioning, nails scraping paint out of her hair, windscreen wipers, photocopier (both representing a heartbeat) and sinister music when looking at the target through his eye's reflection.

How many sections of the narrative were there? Was there any blanks that were left for the audience to fill in?

Due to it not being in chronological order, there was no set narrative in terms of beginning, middle and end.

What were the key stages of the narrative that enables the story to be fluid?

During the ending of the film with the flashback of the main event and Kevin with his mum in the prison became more fluid as we as an audience understood the overall plot of the film.

What different sets of relationships were shown in the film?

Kevin + Mother
Kevin + Father
Celia + Mother
Celia + Father
Mother + Father
Mother + Co-worker
