The only people I know who buy newspapers on a regular are my Grandparents on my dad's side as they buy newspapers every week. Personally, depending on what I'm finding out, the news site doesn't really matter to me as either way the same story, even if written from different news companies, should still have the similar overview of the situation at hand making the news. I'm not sure about non-news sites as although they are not a main site for consumption they are still a form of news site and I'm unaware if anyone I know in particular uses them on a daily basis. These kind of non-news sites would most likely be used by teenagers in my generation. I consume news from everywhere, if it be my fellow peers, online via social media, televised news or the rare reading of a newspaper. Everyday we all consume news even if it is unintentional and just like media we can more or less not escape it. Objectivity matters to me as you should tell the news on the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, opinions shouldn't be involved in an article because then it corrupts the story and corrupts people's opinions based on what they have read. I think the news is worth paying for because it gives people more jobs, especially in our society now, employment is at an all time low and people are finding it harder to find work. In addition, it helps you get a wider knowledge of the world around you as people are using their time to help you have a better understanding of what is happening in your surroundings across the world and not just in your hometown.
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