
Showing posts from September, 2017
Kingsmill Message: Comforting ( The story seems to show that a teenage girl has broke up with her boyfriend and the product is comforting her after her heartbreak.),  family product, healthy choice due to fibre content, mythical version of family (stereotypically british white family, without mum, instead the father is making breakfast which goes against the ideas that females make the meals) (Non nuclear family) Range of shots: Majority are close up to show detail in the product and to implement the story in the advert as well as facial expressions of the characters. Depth of field (shallow). Hand held camera so it is more shaky - homemade feel. Over the shoulder shots - shot reverse shot. Mise en scene: \/ Set: Kitchen, dining table Clothing: Everyday clothes, no extreme makeup just natural Props: Product (bread), phone (To show the pictures of the boyfriend), egg connoting the boyfriend as they drew a face on it looking like him. Play on words: 'Egg and soldiers
Task 3 - changing platforms In today's media world, adverts cross over a range of platforms - streaming, social media, not just TV. Most audiences do not watch TV ads unless it is a big event such as sporting events. Advertising remains a key source of revenue for all media so as people stream stuff and use online services, advertising has changed - Pre-roll advertising is a good source of income. (must watch ads that differ from pop up ads as you can get rid of them. This article discusses the issues concerning how institutions have adapted to changing their ways of advertising as not many people, that are a part of their target audience, watch TV adverts anymore, thus making it difficult for them to promote a product. (This article discusses the adaptations in marketing and their struggles within different companies due to evolution in platforms.) (simple version) Advertising is changing as audiences watch TV differently and use other platforms. Paragraph 1: 30 seco
Task 2 The advert I have chosen is DKNY’s ‘Be delicious’ television advert for their perfume. The advert starts with an establishing shot of New York City to set the scene/set of where the advert is taking place. The advert then transitions to a woman dressed in white connoting her beauty and innocence as we establish the colour white with the idea of purity, youth, and innocence. During the advert, the woman is shown to be moving to a windowsill seat where she looks out upon a man in front of a window. Her interest is peaked when he takes his shirt off.  This product is quite obviously aimed at women, probably of the age 20-35. A woman of any ethnicity could buy this product, however, the actual advert for “Be Delicious” seems to be mostly aimed at white or black people as the models used for the moving and print advert are black or white. Someone who would buy “Be Delicious” would most likely have a good job probably at an office etc. with quite a good income but they won’t be
Task 1 This blog is for my A-Level Media Studies introduction for advertisement. I have decided on creating a short ad for Bovril, a beef paste used for relaxing hot drinks and can also be used in gravy. My idea for such advert is based on the idea of relaxation, showing my target audience that if you buy this product it will make you more relaxed in the given way shown in this ad plus more.  Bovril  is the trademarked name of a thick and salty meat extract paste similar to a yeast extract, developed in the 1870s by John Lawson Johnston. It is sold in a distinctive, bulbous jar.  Bovril  is owned and distributed by Unilever UK. The advert starts off with someone (girl) making a hot drink using the product and then walks into a cozy area, preferably the living room of a home, and snuggles under a blanket while drinking the Bovril based hot drink. The advert will be simple but effective due to it being relatable to an everyday life and the viewer of this advert. The majority of shot