
Showing posts from October, 2017
Conglomerate- Something that crosses over different types of media// A number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together// A big company that has many different parts- owning smaller companies Main/big company are called Parents and the smaller companies are called Subsidiaries TIMEWARNER- big company// owns warner brothers etc SONY- big company DISNEY- big company NESTLE-big company Not being in one will not supply the benefits if in one Oligopoly-

Psycho analysis (Improved)

In probably the most famous, and well-edited scene in all of film at the time, also known as the shower scene from Hitchcock's film Psycho. Hitchcock uses editing and sound as cinematic manipulation to create a carefully thought out horrific murder scene of the main character. As the result, in less than one minute, we witness a combination of 78 shots within this scene analysis.  From what I have seen through this movie’s synopsis and the movie itself as a whole, before the iconic scene the following takes place. Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) has just run away from her job as a secretary (having stolen assets to which she was entrusted) and chooses to hide away at the Bate’s Motel. It is there she meets its owner – the reclusive, yet somewhat charming Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins). After accepting a seemingly innocent invitation to a dinner in the parlour with Norman, Marion and the audience soon discover the true nature of the hotel owner.  Norman and Marion begin a rather rou

We need to talk about Kevin

What were the expectations you had for the film? Before watching the film I believed it was going to be about a boy named Kevin who has gotten into trouble and his close friends/family are trying to help him out of his bad habit. What characters were the most intriguing? The characters that were most intriguing to me were Kevin and his mother. This is because I find the relationship between the two to be on and off, somewhat non-existing at most points as he resents his mum for most of the film until at the very end. What was interesting about the way the narrative was structured? It was not in chronological order and switched between the present and past quite frequently. This made this somewhat confusing because I couldn't differentiate between the past and present at times as the beginning 3/4 of the film did not have a clear set story and kept the audience in the dark until the ending 1/4 where it was explained what Kevin did and where he is now. How did the film cr

Psycho analysis

In probably the most famous, and well-edited scene in all of film at the time, also known as the shower scene from Hitchcock's film Psycho. Hitchcock uses editing and sound as cinematic manipulation to create a carefully thought out horrific murder scene. As the result, in less than one minute, we witness a combination of 78 shots within this analysis.  The scene  opens with a lady sitting at her desk in her home, this lures in the audience into a false sense of security as it is a familiar, calming and therefore relatable setting for the audience. The editing is used in a very similar way as the pace of editing has  a very steady cut rhythm making us, as an audience, feel like this is normal which therefore makes us feel comfortable and again into a false sense of security. This is a technique used in many different thriller genre films in order to make the audience easier to scare and shock as they are not expecting the event that occurs shortly after, almost like
Shareable content - Content of which has been shared and can be seen by other people User generated content (UGC) - Content created by the people who they are aimed at, their target audience. E.g: Wikipedia, blogs, social media // Content made my non-professionals // Word of mouse (sharing on facebook etc of adverts) // Speaks to your audience because it's being shared by the audience itself // Cost effective because people are unintentionally advertising for you for free // Trustworthy Pro-sumer - We are no longer 'simple consumers' // we produce our own content //  Since the 1980s the term ‘prosumer’ has been used to describe the blurring of the lines between producers and consumers. But the dawn of Web 2.0 (early 2000s) makes this more of a reality for everyone. Participatory culture - We take part with the media rather than just passively consume it. Collective intelligence - Nobody knows everything. We all know something. Therefore together we can know everythi
Strengths Potential problems Examples Viral advertising Easily spread without having to pay for placing it on different platforms because the audience spreads it for you.   Viral campaigns are tough to create -  Viral campaigns have to be original, relevant and balance the company’s brand and commercial messages with using the appeals needed.  Old spice  Native advertising  It's creative and can tell a story without having the product right in your face with video ads.  Sometimes the focus is lost and some cannot understand what the advert is about until usually the end with video ads and sometimes unknown what is being presented. This can also be deceitful.  Trending twitter - E.g: Samsung television Buzzfeed - E.g: Links to other sites but are disguised as their own and apart of their own page Targeted advertising  It's a clever way to personally address your target audience by giving them suggestions to products without them having to watch other ads that